I held on tight to Mommy’s hand through the thick shadows of the forest until she pushed aside a branch to reveal a surprise.

A bright mineral spring lay before me, an emerald looking-glass framed with boughs of pine.

“Kitchitikipi,” she whispered in my ear, “The Mirror of Heaven.”

Nearby, a rustic raft invited us aboard to peer over its rail into the crystal water. I squinted, trying to find my reflection, but my eyes only dropped straight down to the eerie world below where ancient trees had fallen into a fuzzy slumber.

Once back onshore, we continued to our next vacation stop-to visit the small rural airport where Aunt Fran and Uncle Vern worked, yet the mystery of the forest lingered with me.

“I found God’s mirror in the woods!” I blurted out among the planes.

“Would you like to see it again from the sky?” my great-uncle asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

Mommy’s face grew pale. “I don’t know, Uncle Vern. Don’t you think she’s too young?”

“Never too young to fly!” the old pilot replied with enthusiasm, swooping me up into the cockpit.

The engine roared to life and lifted us above the clouds. Uncle Vern pointed out a shimmering puddle among the treetops. “There!” he shouted above the noise.

We dropped down for a closer look; the great trees on its floor had become scattered twigs, the sizable raft now a miniature float. 

Movement below caught my attention -specks with legs that jumped and arms that waved, frantic to be seen from above.

My gracious uncle saw them too and continued to circle the growing excitement below.

Then I felt the plane gently rock back and forth, tipping its wings to return their greeting - a simple conversation between Heaven and earth, reflecting the goodness of God.

Time blurs some memories, but I can still picture the joy I saw on one little girl's face, tilted up toward the sky with the wonder of being noticed that day.

Or perhaps, it was just me, looking back from Heaven’s mirror.

“She answered God by name, praying to the God who spoke to her “You’re the God who sees me! Yes! He saw me; and then I saw Him!” Genesis 16:13 msg


