Looking back, my new husband, Chuck, must have expected a better reaction.

But I stared at him blankly, trying to digest his suggestion of a last-minute trip.

A surprise vacation wasn't welcome unless I was fully prepared.

"WHAT do I pack????" I demanded.

High heels? A raincoat? The latest, cutest romper that goes from daytime to evening?

I should have been grateful. After all, I had dropped hints for weeks. 

"We NEVER spend any time together," I whined. "You're ALWAYS working," I said.

And Chuck had done what every good husband would do; he tried to provide what his wife needed.

But I wasn't satisfied because what I REALLY wanted was complete control.

Inconvenience and embarrassment could be avoided if I was in charge.

But the man who loved me stuck to his plan, not mine.

Chuck watched me cram a week's worth of clothes into an overnight bag, then threw a hint.

"Pack a swimsuit."

"C'mon!" I begged, "WHERE are we going????"

He answered by opening the car door. "Get in!" 

Likewise, God invites us all on a faith journey, too. 

But we don't like surprises.

Before we agree, we need details. What's next? When will we get there? What should I bring?

We think we need to know everything to enjoy the ride.

But to experience true joy, we must fix our eyes on Jesus, not the road. He alone knows the way.

When Chuck and I finally reached our destination that day, I no longer cared where we were or how I got there.

I was too busy staring googley-eyed at the handsome guy behind the wheel.

"Surprise!" Chuck pointed triumphantly to the tallest water slide I had ever seen. 

He knew as a 20 year old bride, I had spent the last year growing up fast. So, my thoughtful man decided I should feel like a kid again.

Turns out, I had everything I needed.

And if a young husband can pull off a trip of a lifetime, how much more can a good and faithful God?

Your Heavenly Father knows where you long to go and has a plan to take you there.

Jesus stands waiting with a smile, the door open wide. “Get in!” 

The moment you arrive, the questions will no longer matter.

Because you’ve been staring at the Answer for miles.

Yes, Jesus is your heart’s one true love, and your soul’s destination.

So what are you waiting for? Get in! 

Thomas said to him, "Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?"

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. (John 14:5-6, ESV)


