"Have you ever dropped one?" My son-in-law joked as he carefully handed his baby to the nurse to bathe.

Awkward, nervous laughter filled the room because everyone was wondering the same thing.

"Not a one," the seasoned nurse replied confidently. This was not the first newborn she had bathed; it wouldn't be the last.

Still, this grandma wasn't convinced. 

Did that nurse know that babies are slippery when wet?

I wanted to grab my precious grandbaby from the nurse's hands and do it myself.

But rather than cause a scene, I surrendered my fears and let the expert do what was needed.

Because I recalled how many times precious things had slipped through my own fingers.

In the same way, fear causes us to hover over God's hands as He holds the people we dearly love. 

We pray, "Lord Jesus, don't drop my baby! Don't let her fall."

We fear because it's a fact: Things are slippery in this world. The earth is made up of 2/3 water, and so are we. 

But the truth is that this world was birthed through our Lord's hands. Then He drew a line in the sand and commanded the waters to go no further.

"Who kept the sea inside its boundaries as it burst from the womb?.." (Job 38:8, NLT)

And the same eternal hands that hold all things together will never let us go. (John 10:28)

Even when we squirm, God can keep slippery limbs from falling.

Because the palms of His nail-scarred hands have a texture unlike any on this earth. 

They are forever etched with the loops and letters of our names.

"..I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;…." 

(Isaiah 49:16a, NIV)

Our Heavenly Father will never drop His children, not a one.


