"Bring the rolls."

It's the Thanksgiving dinner assignment given to college boys, harried mothers or weary travellers rolling into the driveway with seconds to spare.

"Bring the rolls" seems insignificant, almost an afterthought, but what if the rolls went missing? How would you sop up the gravy? Where would all the butter go? 

Rolls seem like nothing until they're not here.

Because a bread roll is not just a roll, after all.

Even its crumbs can lead you back Home.

Long before grocery stores, people asked Jesus to bring the rolls, too. After all, He'd broken bread for 5,000 the day before. It simply made sense.

While waiting in line for an answer, people started to reminisce about the good old days. 

"Remember when Moses used to bring the rolls? What kind were they again? Matzo? Hawaiian? It's a mystery, but boy, were those rolls good!"

Then Jesus gently reminded them of the truth that has held true for every dinner table since the beginning.

Moses didn't supply the rolls. God did.

What people expect from you can be a little overwhelming. Imagine setting the turkey, potatoes, gravy, and cranberry sauce in front of everyone simultaneously, only to discover that someone forgot the rolls.

How will you satisfy the starving crowd if you only have crumbs to hold all the questions?

Jesus tells you to rest assured. It's not your worry. God sent Jesus, so He will provide.

Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry." (John 6:35)

Your Heavenly Father will feed every famished heart looking to be filled. 

What He brings to the table is more than enough and forever will be. 

It’s all going to be absolutely delicious! So, please pass the rolls.


