"How can I help?" I say, peeking into the pot in Barb's kitchen. But the truth is, she's got it handled.

The turkey is browning nicely alongside the stuffing. The pies are cooling. The table is set. If I want to eat, I have to follow her simple instructions.

"Sit down!"

It makes me feel lazy. This one woman has worked over the stove for hours to feed a multitude, but the only way to eat is to sit.

If I don't, I'll miss out.

Something about the sitting humbles me and gives a clear view of the truth that remains standing.

Barb's the one cooking, and it's going to be good.

"I always count my blessings," she says.

Jesus's disciples knew how to count, too -five barley loaves, two small fish and five thousand hungry families to feed. They also had one Jesus, the greatest blessing of them all.

But still, this equation looked impossible. Didn't Jesus need their help? Instead, "Jesus said, 'Have the people sit down.'" (John 6:10)

And everyone that sat down received all that they needed.

From their seated position, they saw the eternal Truth that stood before them.

Today, this one Truth remains far above the depths of your hunger.

Only Jesus Christ can satisfy.

He Alone can fill the emptiness that gnaws at your soul and drives you into the cupboards of this world, searching for crumbs.

You want to contribute something to the age-old recipe, but you can't.

All you can do is trust that whatever Jesus hands you will be the best you ever had.

Believe me, you don't want to miss out. Sit down!

"Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish." John 6:11


