Peace on earth in 2020 looks even further away than it did in 1967.

But maybe that’s because we aren’t looking in the right place.

Because peace between nations, and peace between people, is often a brokered treaty that involves a negotiated give, take and surrender to be accepted by all parties involved.

In order to do so willingly, we must trust the other’s word, because we do not know their thoughts.

Often we come to the table empty of hope, with no other options, so we accept what is offered to protect what we have left.

But that is the kind of peace we now find on earth - an acceptance of a lesser reality than we long for.

Yet still we yearn for something greater.

For our trembling to be made still.

For our empty aching to be filled.

For our souls that toss and turn, to finally be overcome with sweet rest.

Perhaps, our deepest longing, our deepest need for peace, starts with complete surrender.

Not to chance -

Not to the universe -

But to a loving God Who created us to experience His everlasting love, peace and hope here on earth, within our hearts, as it is in Heaven - even as the world rages around us. Peace.

His sovereign terms are generous, gracious and nonnegotiable to the point they appear suspicious. 

For we come to the table with empty hands, yet we walk away with the Kingdom of God in our grasp and Jesus, the Prince of Peace residing in our hearts.

Hearts that dwell in a hostile here and now.

Peace in us, found in Him.

Peace on earth.

For it was by God’s own decision that the Son has in Himself the full nature of God. Through the Son, then, God decided to bring the whole universe back to Himself. God made peace through His Son’s blood on the cross and so brought back to Himself all things, both on earth and in heaven.

Colossians 1:19-20 gnt


