I must have looked like an easy target - an inexperienced mom juggling a bulging diaper bag and a 5 week old infant- headed into the ladies’ room of an empty airport corridor.

As I paused to navigate the narrow stall, a sweet-looking middle-aged woman suddenly appeared, startling me, and offered to hold my daughter while I used the facilities.

I politely declined, quickly latched the door, and heard her quiet steps as she slipped away.

Although she may have been just a helpful person, my gut told me that I had come face to face with evil expertly packaged to appear good. I quickened my pace back to find my husband, thanking God for His protection.

For while Satan may be thought harmless, sporting a red onesie and a pitchfork, I believe he means to destroy mankind under the cloak of his obscurity.

He disguises himself as an angel of light, hovering just close enough to God’s truth to warm and camouflage his lies. 

To a casual observer, evil means well, doesn’t rock the boat and champions the downtrodden. Evil is convincingly easy and dangerously good looking - until it’s not.

And in a world drowning in darkness, many still clamor to it, desperate for anything that gleams, even if it blinds them.

Thankfully, Jesus Christ - the true Light - came to rescue us all from the power of that darkness and bring us into the presence of His Father, where there is no shifting shadow of doubt.

And our stone-cold dark hearts are warmed to new life by the brilliance of the bright and Morning Star Who calls us to live as children of the Light and day, to shine like stars in the universe - a stark difference from the eerie glow of evil’s black light.

When we remain in the illuminating power of God’s Word and His Spirit, we will readily discern and demonstrate the difference between the authentic love and care of our Heavenly Father and the selfish poisonous seduction of His sworn enemy. 

So come into His Light, child of God, and shine on.

Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

John 8:12 niv


