Sometimes, I am guilty of approaching God like a short-order cook.

I look to see what blessings may be on the menu that day, then put my order in - arms crossed and toes tapping in impatient expectation.

Many summers ago, my favorite part of church camp followed evening service. The yellow bug lights bounced and flickered around the concession stand where a line of campers formed, hands deep in their pockets, searching for coins.

Although it was impossible to go hungry at camp with a cafeteria boasting endless vats of mashed potatoes, my parent-funded spending money always made me think I needed just a little bit more.

And to a young girl of 9, the possibilities seemed endless. Waiting my turn, I would watch as each child would retreat to their cabin after receiving their requests baptized in ketchup or Hershey’s syrup.

When I finally approached the sliding window, I reluctantly plunked down payment, nickel by nickel, knowing I might come up short at week’s end when it came time to visit the gift shop and purchase the silver cross ring that I hoped to take home.

For while my parents had provided me everything I needed, they also had the wisdom to make sure I wasn’t able to get everything I wanted which increased my appreciation for what I did have.

How much wiser is our Heavenly Father Who has promised to provide us with everything we need?  

Even though we sometimes look wistfully at what the other campers hold, we still have a pocketful of possibility provided by our Father to ensure blessings when we approach the window of His Grace. 

There, we lay our requests down in grateful expectation, knowing that a God Who has lavished His love on us by sending Jesus to die in our place, will withhold no good thing from His children, in His time.

He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, 

how will He not also with Him graciously give us all things?

Romans 8:32 esv


