Do you feel drained? Depleted to the very last drop? Does it feel like you’re never enough?

Jesus’ first recorded miracle was at a wedding in Cana. The newly married couple had given all they had and the wine ran out. That’s when Jesus decided to turn ordinary well water into a celebration that is still being talked about today.

You could be His next miracle.

That’s why Jesus showed up on your doorstep today, my dear. He’s not here to judge your empty glass or leave you high and dry. He’s here to fill you to the full.

He pours His Life into yours so you’ll never be thirsty again.

Scripture tells us that before the miracle occurred, Jesus asked willing servants to fill six stone jars with 120-180 gallons of water. 

That must have taken a lot of steps on their part. Back and forth, back and forth, only to be filled to the brim with more impossibility.

Yet Jesus asked them to go one step further. Trust Him, draw from the impossible and let it be tasted.

In other words, reach into your everyday, ordinary life and hold it out to Him to make it possible.

Throw off the covers, drop to your knees and say, “Lord, here I am.” 

Then, rise from the ashes of yesterday. 

Pack the lunches. Remove the trash. Run the errands. Do the work and ask the Lord to bless it.

Love your God and your people with what you have on hand and everything you’ll soon be given.

Watch the miracle unfold over the hours, days and years of a life offered in faith to the One who can change it all.

Don’t think it’s done and over. Don’t dim the lights and lock the doors.

On the contrary, get out your dancing shoes.

The best is yet to come.

“But you have saved the best till. Now! This act in Cana of Galilee was the first sign Jesus gave, the first glimpse of His glory. And His disciples believed in Him.”

John 2:10-11 (MSG)


