I’m so glad I didn’t need my phone to call on Jesus at the airport.
I tore through every pocket and pouch, wracked my brain, retraced my steps, only to realize that I left it in the truck, buried in the cement bowels of the parking garage.
Some days, no matter how hard I try, I still got nothin’.
The struggle is real.
It starts with the best intentions, an itinerary that leaves nothing to chance.
And ends somewhere between “Not again!” And “So sorry!”
People try to make me feel better. They say, “At least you showed up! Hey, just come as you are!”
But I don’t know who I am without something to bring.
What if I’m not enough? What if I’ll never be?
Perhaps that’s true for us all.
Maybe to be more, you must start empty.
To be filled, you must fall to your knees.
Lord Jesus,
Here I am. I wanted to bring You my very best.
Instead, I stand here empty-handed. But I’m Yours, Lord.
Please fill me with all I need to begin to know Your great love for me.
In Your Name,
Surrender is a terrifying leap for control freaks.
But it’s a risk worth taking.
Because when you finally admit you “got nothin’”, God says, “Here. I AM.”
Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:25-26, ESV