They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

Perhaps, that is why we pass Jesus by.

Because we long to see ourselves as powerful, successful and self-sufficient; we gravitate to people that project that same image onto the flimsy screen of an imperfect world.

Though much like paper cut-outs, these faux champions lack the vitality needed to breathe life into stone cold souls.  

Still, we hang on their every word, hoping they will deliver the dangling carrot that Satan promised so many centuries ago - that we can achieve our destined greatness apart from the Creator’s hand.

On the contrary, when we look into Jesus’ eyes, we see a reflection of ourselves that’s unsettling. 

Instinctively, we know our guilt condemns us in Heaven’s highest court; so we reject Him in an attempt to save face.

Like Pilate at Jesus’ trial, we ask, “What is truth?” then quickly exit before hearing the unwanted answer.

And that is where we would stay - circling salvation’s lobby - save for the love of God.  

His Spirit will not let go and draws us back to gaze at Him again and again, until we finally release our ugliness into the beautifully nail-scarred hands of Grace.

Then and there, it is in those Hands that first formed us that we come back to life. 

Face to face, Jesus lovingly breathes His Spirit into the dust of our futility - His Beauty for our ashes.

And that, my friend, is the greatest wonder of the universe.

Won’t you take a look?

“He had no dignity or beauty to make us take notice of Him. There was nothing attractive about Him, nothing that would draw us to Him. We despised Him and rejected Him; He endured suffering and pain. No one would even look at Him - we ignored Him as if He were nothing….

But the Lord made the punishment fall on Him, the punishment all of us deserved.”

Isaiah 53:2-3,6 gnb



