It has never been easy to sweep anything under the rug at our cabin. As a matter of fact, it’s nearly impossible.

You see it’s not that we try to ignore problems, but that we failed to acknowledge one major mistake at the start and have had to live with it ever since.

It all began with a parcel of land, a pile of logs and a set of instructions - mere pieces of a dream.

Not handy ourselves, we entrusted the blueprints to a team of skilled tradesmen and stepped back to watch.

These men rolled up their sleeves and employed hammer, nails and a local unskilled worker, Rod, hired to haul, lift, grunt - everything but give his opinion.

It was under this unspoken rule, that he entered the construction site the day the floor had just been laid - major progress that pleased us all. He studied the deep grooves between the planks under his feet and spoke simple truth that no one wanted to hear. 

The floor was upside down.

Earlier, the workers had been faced with a decision - lay the pieces in a way that appeared more attractive or assemble them in the manner they were created to fit. 

They chose their own wisdom over the cabin kit designer’s.

They then did what we all do when confronted with a truth we don’t want to face. They turned their backs on reason and continued to build on a faulty foundation, ignoring that gnawing feeling that tells us something’s wrong. 

After all, how could someone that did not look the part, talk the talk or barely lace his boots know more about building than they did? 

But Rod didn’t know more. He just realized the Creator’s intention.

Likewise, when we presume to improve on God’s plans, we discover our ideas don’t serve us like we hoped. Gaps remain and capture crumbs of hypocrisy that sink deep - immovable by mere human efforts to sweep them away.

The only solution is to turn back to God and trust Him to rip out the upside down floorboards tightly nailed down in our hearts and allow Him to build His Kingdom -His way- in our lives, one step at a time.


“For every house has a builder, but the One Who built everything is God.” 

Hebrews 3:4 nlt 


