I walked into church this Sunday with heavy dark clouds looming above, around and within.

Perhaps you felt it too?

No sooner had I settled into the pew than lighting struck - much too close for comfort . The power flickered and faltered. An alarm whined, faint and incessant, like the tension in my spirit.  

But much like everything that had passed through our hearts this weary season, God’s children lifted their voices and sung on.

“In the sweet by and by, we shall meet on that beautiful shore.”

The amplified music stopped abruptly as another surge depleted the microphone. Still, the song continued to fill the air, surging with the unbreakable power of an Almighty God. 

“In the sweet by and by, we shall meet on that beautiful shore.”

For as people of faith, our security does not lie within the realm of our senses, the reality of our circumstance, nor our ability to pull ourselves up out of the tar of despair.

Our hope is in Jesus Christ alone, our risen Savior, and His promise to never leave us and to see us safely home - every single step of the way.

Throughout time, this same Jesus has resided with His people in damp, putrid prison cells and rat-infested battle trenches. He has wrapped His comfort around inconsolable mothers and filled the watchman guarding the gate with His courage divine.

The shackles of this world may bind our wrists and threaten our souls, but the freedom won for us by the spilled blood of the Great Life Giver will never lose its power.

So, we must never lose our hope.

For a single melody of faith sung a cappella in the dimmest light, drowns out a multitude of glaring shouts from our enemy.

Our faith in our God can never be silenced.

So, dear people of God, sing out.

Sing on.

“But as for me, I will sing about Your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love. For you have been my refuge, a place of safety when I am in distress.”

Psalms 59:16 nlt


