I am the worst gift recipient of all time, married to the most generous man in the world.

For years, I would stealthy return his much-too-elaborate gifts for a full refund back into our bill paying fund. 

So, in this season of gratitude for things given, I must ask myself - why is that?

Perhaps, I don’t like to take what I can’t repay in kind. 

Perhaps, I like to be in control of what I receive. 

Or, perhaps, I suffer from a severe case of false humility.

Because when I reject such a gesture of love - regardless of my motivation - aren’t I rebuffing the gift giver himself?

My choice to always be in charge on both the giving and receiving end of things, turned into a greater spiritual problem; because humble acceptance of any extravagant love gesture, goes hand in hand with achieving true intimacy. 

To affirm the love of the gift giver, one must learn to receive the gift without any hope of reciprocating. 

And likewise, for years, I carried God’s gift of salvation around loosely held, but tightly wrapped - not sure that I could keep it.  

For my futile attempts to make meager installments against my debt, drained my soul to poverty.

With empty pockets, I sat down with the Lord and we finally unwrapped His beautiful gift together. 

And I discovered that what He placed in my hands was not a transaction of the pocketbook, but of the heart.

For God generously gave me the greatest gift I had ever been given - the gift of Himself, in Jesus - a gift I did not deserve, nor could ever repay.

In that one reckless purchase of my salvation with His Life, He showed me just how deeply He loved and wanted me as His own.

How do you ever say no to a love like that?

And my friend, Jesus is truly the Gift that keeps on giving. 

He pours out His forgiveness generously to all who would yet receive it.

And to all who do, Thanksgiving is no longer just an annual event. 

It is an eternal, extended holiday of your heart.  

“God saved you by His grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.” 

Ephesians 2:8 nlt


