Any pre-teen girl that has played “Truth or Dare” at a slumber party, would readily agree that choosing the latter may be the safest option. For admitting truth about ourselves to others can be terrifying.
It’s a gamble only the bravest take.
But whether we keep it hidden or courageously revealed, there is no escaping the truth about who we are, is there? The comfortable pillow we have long rested our heads on, often keeps us awake at night with those things that bunch up and trouble us, no matter how many adjustments we make.
So we look to others for quick solutions or hang on to slogans that may lead to peace, only to end right back at the exact same place, more frustrated than when we first began.
It turns out that this constant wrestling within us is actually a conflict with our Creator, that we must go to Him to fix.
For we were created to reflect God’s image by intimately walking with Him, but preferred to keep our own company instead, smudging that mirror with a murky film of sin that only God could wipe away.
And He did so at the cross of Christ, where every imperfect soul who trusts in Jesus becomes the perfect reflection of His Son. But down here in this broken world, we only see what we see and most times, it’s not pretty.
Perhaps the answer to all of our tossing and turning, our quitting and starting, is to turn away from ourselves and look directly into His eyes. His gaze holds no shame or judgment, only love, acceptance and peace.
Let Jesus describe who you are in His own Words as the war lines etched into the face of your soul relax in His goodness. Allow His lullaby of grace to soothe you and loosen your tight grip on the addiction that weighs your heart down.
Because daring to come to Jesus - the Way, the Truth and the Life - is always the best choice to make.
And the truth of the matter is that you, dear child, are the apple of His eye.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16 esv