Some people were born to run. Some people were born to ride. Some people, take me for instance, were born to cover their tracks.

I’ve been doing it for as long as I can remember. In fact, my first cover-up runs through my mind in monochrome, perhaps more black and white than I care to admit.

I was barely old enough to know better, but definitely young enough to think I knew best- setting out to help myself to an orange-flavored vitamin while my parents briefly stepped out of the room. 

I had been eyeing that plastic bottle for weeks. It appeared each morning, teasing me with just a taste, but I wanted more. I pounced, knocking it from the counter, creating a sudden storm of pelting orange hail that littered my escape route.

I should have stood still and waited for Daddy to come fix it. I should have called out to him for help. Instead, I began to scoop and shove those pills into my mouth until my little cheeks bulged in defiance and my eyes teared from the sheer sour I was trying to make disappear.

Not much as changed since 1967, has it? Sin still makes us salivate as we slyly remove the lid for just a quick taste, spilling its contents all over the shoes of our soul. We think there can never be too much of a good thing. But even a drop over good can be lethal, if we don’t spit it out into our Father’s hands.

We hesitate to let go, ashamed at the ease in which we broke God’s trust, thinking He will never look at us the same. 

Oh, broken friend, nothing could be further from the truth! 

Jesus walked this same muddy earth we do now- not to just set an example, but to understand what it feels like to be weak and wanting; so He can come alongside us in our weakness and help us to walk strong like Him.

Jesus sees all our hidden and yet loves us with open arms. Come. Let Him cover you with His mercy today.

So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Heb 4:16 nlt


