I was 6, going on 7, waiting to cross the busy street all by myself.

School had let out early and I had found my way back home. My surprised father appeared in the doorway, making motions and shouting words drowned out by whizzing, beeping cars. Then he disappeared back into the house.

In an instant, I decided to proceed without him.

I didn’t look to the right and left like he had taught me. One step, two steps, I had just made it to the double yellow line when a blur of sheet metal and sheering wind roared past, physically pushing me out of harm’s way.

When my daddy’s protective arms wrapped around me in relief moments later, I remember hearing that an angel had protected me.

I certainly hope he had packed a lunch that day, because my tendency to self-reliance was only just beginning.

I know I am not alone in this constant quest to make my own way. The human race is aptly named so because the moment we can toddle, we hit the ground running away from our Creator.

We prefer to take care of all the little things and seek help only when the big stuff comes along. It all falls apart, however, when our independence becomes our pride.

When we can’t quite make out God’s instructions over the exhausting roar of our quickly passing lives, we tire of waiting and just move forward into the fast lane, oblivious to our inability to navigate the dangers around us.

We say, “I’ve got this. You’ve got this. We’ve got this.”, but without our loving and gracious God, we are all really empty-handed.

That perilous crossing I attempted 50 years ago didn’t just begin when Main Street met gravel, but minutes before with my decision to head home on my own. I knew the way because my father had shown me and I wore a warm red cardigan, sturdy saddle shoes and peanut butter smudges, all provided by his loving care.

Yes, even the littlest self-willed step can lead us in the wrong direction. We need to take our Heavenly Father’s hand to make it safely Home.

“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall for the Lord holds them by the hand.”

Psalm 37:23-4 nlt


