The Father Who gave the Living Water to quench our spirits sent us a mother to feed our souls.

When He knit us together in Mama’s womb, He tied a string to connect His heart, to her heart, to ours, and no matter how sharp the pain, that cord is never severed. His love never ceases to flow.

In fact, love wells up from within her-warm milk into hungry tummies, spoonfuls of applesauce into open mouths, and a hundred thousand kisses upon peanut-butter cheeks.

Each day, Mama spreads God’s love thick across every slice of life and tops it off with grace upon grace. Then hands it to us in a paper bag as we walk out the door of her world. She hopes we'll find the note she tucked inside to remind us of our worth, “Savor every minute. I’ll be praying. See you when you get Home. Love, Mom.”

She watches from the window, waving farewell and holding back tears, calling out a blessing over our dreams. “Have a full life, sweetheart! May you always be satisfied!” Because after scooping every last morsel of herself on our plate, she wants to make sure we leave room for dessert.

And just in case we don't return before her final kitchen shift is over, Mama will leave the pantry door unlocked and the stove light on, so we can find every good thing that God has to offer, every ounce of love that she served up so well.

Happy Mother's Day to the women that filled our souls with love and never left us hungry.

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

1 Corinthians 13:7 NLT


