In 1969, five-year-old me heard God's voice, came to the altar, and said "Yes" to Jesus.

While the angels rejoiced, the evangelist hurried over with a microphone for an on-the-spot conversion interview.

"Where is Jesus now, Nicole?" He asked, his voice booming through the sanctuary.

Panic seized me. I knew I had to get this right, so my eyes darted around the church, trying to find Jesus. 

The Sunday school pictures showed God's Son with flowing brown hair, a beard, a white robe, a blue sash, and sandaled feet.

No one seemed to fit that description in the crowd around me. Every man was clean-shaven, flat-top haircut and a tie.

The organ music faded; a hush fell; rows of people strained forward to hear my faith profession.

"Ummmm." The microphone moved closer. I was forced to improvise.

"I think He's playing baseball?" I guessed.

Laugher erupted, and I returned to my seat, unsettled and uncertain.

Five minutes as a Christian, and I had already failed the biggest test of all.

So I spent a lifetime trying to come up with a better answer until I made a startling discovery. 

I found out where Jesus was, where He had been all those years.

He had been with me from the moment I had said "Yes" to Him. Christ in me was the answer.

Jesus said:

"Behold, I'm standing at the door, knocking. If your heart is open to hear my voice and you open the door within, I will come in to you and feast with you, and you will feast with me."

Revelations 3:20, TPT

Have you ever opened the door to the love and forgiveness Jesus offered but dropped the ball from the moment you stepped onto the field?

You struck out hard, threw your bat, and took off running.

Day after day, you're caught in a pickle between being human and being holy.

In fact, you're not even sure God still wants you on His team.

Please hand back that microphone because I want you to hear the TRUTH.

When Jesus carried you and your sins across the plate, God declared you SAFE. 

And in the arms of Jesus, you are always HOME, heart to heart with the Savior, right where you belong.

God’s call on your life is for KEEPS.

You don’t have to figure out things on your own.

Christ is you is the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27)

Jesus is the Answer.


LASSO THE MOON (It’s a Wonderful Life)


CHILD OF THE LIGHT (Remember who you are)