CHILD OF THE LIGHT (Remember who you are)

"Never miss a sunset!" 

It's a catchy motto that's become my regular practice. 

All is well when I sink my feet into the cool sand and watch the sun melt into Lake Michigan, bidding the world "good night."

I never knew what drew me toward the pastel horizon until my husband shared a creator's secret. 

"It's the sweet light," he revealed.

Curious, I studied the faces around me that also gazed west. Harsh features had softened. Hurried postures relaxed. Each soul stood warm and silent, basking in a glow that only the true Son can ignite.

We all once dwelled where the evening shadows fell, but deep down knew we were meant for so much more. 

One turn toward the whisper.

One step over the crest.

One glimpse of God's undeniable glory.

And we remembered who we were created to be.

We are children of the Light.

On my nightly sunset trek, I notice others remain in the growing darkness, too weary for the few steps. 

"You're gonna miss it!" I call out, hoping they'll change their minds. "It's worth it!" I remind them, hurrying past.

Because all it takes is one moment in the Sweet Light to make you a believer.

One peek at His radiance to never look back. 

One sunset to remind you of who you were meant to be.

You were made to reflect God's glory.

You are a child of the Light.

You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness.

(1 Thessalonians 5:5, NIV)




FALLING APART? (Remember who you are)