WHY YOU CAN TRUST GOD’S PLAN (Back to Sunday School Series)

I tell God my problem, then rush to fix it myself.

"Last one there's a rotten egg!" I yell, hoping it'll motivate the Eternal King of Glory to move faster.

Why do we toss faith aside and scramble ourselves into a tizzy? Why not trust and wait for Him instead?

Are you afraid He won't get there in time? 

Or scared He won't do it your way?

It's the latter of the two for me. 

But long before any of us even knew we had a problem, God sent this message:

"Don't be afraid. Your King is coming." (Ref. John 12:15)

As a general rule, kings don't take a knee. But a good king rides into battle first and risks his own life for his people.

Jesus is no ordinary king. Jesus Christ is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, and He's on His way to rescue you.

John 12 tells the story of King Jesus' grand entrance into Jerusalem during Passover. The crowds lined the street with their cries and palm branches. They shouted to Jesus,  "Hosana!" which meant "Save NOW!"

Save NOW, not later. God's people didn't know how much more they could take. They hoped King Jesus would save them from Roman oppression.

You've been waiting so long for the chains to break.

Don't be afraid. Your King is coming.

God's people shouted, "Save NOW!" And yet the One Who owns the cattle on a 1,000 hills borrowed a young donkey, a slow and steady ride into town.

You're living on borrowed time.

Don't be afraid. Your King is coming.

God's people shouted, "Save NOW!" And though before Him lay a cross, a grave, and a crown of thorns, King Jesus pressed on.

You think you must save yourself.

Don't be afraid. Your King is coming.

His Salvation is near. His arrival is inevitable. He won't do it your way. He'll do it His way.

King Jesus sits far above all rulers, authorities, and powers, yet His heart and mind are set on you. His mission is to save all of your life, not just a piece of it.

God's plan is for your good and His glory. 

You don't have to understand His plan to trust Him with yours. The disciples didn't have a clue that day either.

The first words of John 12:16 reveal, "At first His disciples didn't understand all this. Only after Jesus was glorified did they realize…"

God's people shouted, "Save NOW!" laying palm branches at His feet. In turn, King Jesus laid down His life for theirs and ours, delivering us all from sin and death, the greatest tyranny mankind has ever known.

You don't have to shout, "Last one there's a rotten egg!" You can sing His praises, stand in line with the faithful, and lay your worries at His feet.

Don't be afraid. Your King is coming.


SHINE ON (Getting past ‘Imposter Syndrome’)


INTO THE LIGHT (Back to Sunday School Series)