Centuries ago, there lived a man who forgot who he was, took a few wrong turns, and could never quite make it back home. 

Each choice stripped him of dignity and dragged him further away, forcing him to live on the outskirts of society, to sleep among the tombstones.

Left for dead by everyone except his demons, he kept moving so he didn't have to think. Back and forth, he traveled until he wore down the path that led from the graves to a cliff that overlooked the sea.

But one day, something made him pause as his toes teetered at the brink. 

Far below, a boat floated peacefully toward the shore. A memory stirred deep within. There was another time, another ship, another day so long ago when he was a boy who watched his father sail away, never to return.

Suddenly, a fierce storm rose on the water, angry waves hiding the boat from his sight. As the wind and hail raked across his naked back, he shook a fist at the growing darkness and to God, Who must have forsaken him, too.

"Why do You hate me?!" he spits at the sky.

All at once, the wind ceased. The man's surprised gaze turned from the blue sky to the crystal sea below.

The boat had somehow reached the shore. One Passenger stood out among the rest. That Man looked directly at him, lifted a hand in greeting, and smiled.**

Jesus Christ, Son of God, Son of Man, had come across the water for one lost soul.

And that same Jesus traveled the distance to find you.

You may have forgotten who you are, but Jesus has not.

From the glories of Heaven, across the storm-tossed sea. He rode waves of anguish on the cross with your picture tucked deep in the pocket of His heart. 

Jesus sees the shame that covers your threadbare soul and has brought you a cloak of beauty instead.

He hears the lies that haunt you and has come to declare the truth. 

See His outstretched hand? It commands the storm, the waves, the demons, yet it tenderly reaches out to you, patiently waiting for you to take hold of His strength.

Dare to come closer, and you’ll see that there’s been no mistake. It’s you He came for. That's your name engraved on the palm of His hand.

When Jesus shows up on the shores of your life, it's not by chance.

You are His destination and He is your Destiny. It's all part of God's grand, eternal plan.

Centuries ago, these very words of Jesus set sail to one man's redemption:

"One day Jesus said to His disciples, "Let's go over to the other side of the lake."

Luke 8:22

Today, Jesus launches a thousand ships for you.


**This story is based on the true biblical text found in Luke 8:22-39 and was filled in with some fictional detail to "bring the scene to life" for the reader.

I encourage you to read this story firsthand. If you don't have a Bible handy, you can download the easy-to-use "YouVersion" Bible app on your phone or go to www.biblegateway.com.




STEADFAST (Never Miss a Sunset)