When I was little, I woke up extra early on Sundays to prepare to meet the Lord.

Straight locks wound around pink sponge rollers, tights checked for snags, and every fold of my dress was examined for wrinkles before I slipped into the best version of my Sunday School self.

I sat up straight in the pew and tried to have all the right answers.

Yet I couldn’t wait to run out the door, go home and strip down to my slip for a nap.

Because trying to be perfect was exhausting.

And it still is.

But years ago, I heard a story in Sunday School about a wretched, demon-possessed man who was such a mess he’d never be able to get ready for church, let alone God.

So Jesus came to him instead.

I squirmed a little, thinking about it.

Shouldn’t that man have made some effort to meet God face-to-face? At least put on a robe and combed his snarly hair?

But no, that man had the nerve to come straight from the graveyard, stark-naked, filthy, and full of demons. Then without a hello or a hallelujah, he fell right at Jesus’ feet!

But Jesus didn’t even flinch.

Then, the Holy Son of God, looked upon that tattered soul with love so powerful that every demon fled and every stain turned white as snow.

And that’s what happens when Jesus lays eyes on you, too.

He already knows every scratch, dent, and scar that you try so hard to hide.

Yet Jesus sees you as you are, meets you where you are, and covers you with His perfect love.

Because that’s Who Jesus is.

You don’t have to be smartly dressed or expertly polished to be beautiful to your Creator.

You have to be human.

Come as you are.

Jesus says, “I will never turn away anyone who comes to me.” (John 6:37, GNT)


