I plopped my 4-year-old grandbaby into the car seat for another grand adventure.

But as I struggled with the harness, things took a turn.

"Grammy, why do you love Jesus so much?" was the question.

"Umm..well…" I panicked.

So much pressure to keep this little one safe!

Just breathe, I told myself. Click the buckles, pull the straps, and secure your grandchild for eternity. 

"Well, I like Jesus so much because Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God and -"

"—Too tight!! Too tight!!!"

Clearly, I was.

So I eased up.

"I like Jesus so much because Jesus loves me. And He loves you, too, little Bug." 

Doesn't that sound so simple? Almost too good to be true? There must be a catch.

Deep down, we wonder. Does Jesus really love me?

What about when I have a tantrum? Forget to pick up all my crumbs? Will He pull over and make me walk when He's finally had enough?

Consider the Good News you once heard. Did you believe it?

Jesus died for your sins, then walked out of the grave. He held His hand out to you. You trusted Him, so you took it.


That makes you His child. 

No matter how tired, whiny, or messy you are, you will always be His.

There's no confusion in God's Word about His love for His children or ability to keep you safe.

Jesus said:

"I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from Me, for My Father has given them to Me, and He is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father's hand. The Father and I are one." 

John 10:28-30 NLT

Rest assured.

Jesus has got you. He's buckled you in. The straps are secure but not too tight. 

You don't have to try so hard. 

Take a deep breath of grace, surrender to His love, and enjoy the ride.


