BUILT TO LAST Resurrection, Pt 5

Every child of God will witness a resurrection.

It may take 3 days, 3 years, or a lifetime, but God has promised to raise an army from the dry bones scattered across your valley.

And His work has already begun.

His work, not yours.

But like every good Daddy, He pulls us close and lets us hand Him the pieces so we can be part of the miracle.

Bone by bone, step by step, moment by moment, God offers beauty for ashes in the most unexpected ways.


  • Drop the bones; you can’t do it. Look to Jesus. He can.

  • Hear God’s promises and repeat them to every single bone. 

  • Don’t get rattled by the noise. Expect messy. Keep trusting God.

  • Ask God to send His Spirit into those re -assembled bones, to fill them with new purpose, passion and supernatural strength.

  • You entered death’s valley alone and undone. You will leave here whole, marching Spirit-strong toward Home.

Life and dreams may fall apart again along the way but take courage.

The valleys will not destroy you.

You were born for resurrection.

Ezekiel’s Vision, Part 5 of 5

“Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, 

when I open your graves and bring you up from them. 

I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, 

and I will settle you in your own land. 

Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, 

and I have done it,” declares the Lord.”

Ezekiel 37:13-14




SPIRIT-FILLED Resurrection, Pt 4