SPIRIT-FILLED Resurrection, Pt 4

Once dry bones are put back together, they clean up pretty well.

You’re anxious to move out of the valley and get on with your life.

But before you tip your hat to the Creator and say, “Thanks, I’ll take it from here!” there’s something to consider.

Bones don’t get very far without the Spirit.

Without God’s breath, bones eventually fall apart.

And that’s not what the Lord wants for His children.

So God tells us to call on Him, and He will answer.

Because there is no true resurrection without a conversation between you and Jesus.

When you cry out to Him, God responds with mercy.

He breathes His Holy Spirit into your humanity, filling hollow bones with supernatural marrow.

You once entered death’s valley wholly undone.

Yet you will leave this place whole, marching Spirit-strong toward your Home. 

Because this broken world may be littered with gravestones, but you were born for a resurrection.

*Ezekiel’s Vision, Part 4

“Speak a prophetic message to the winds, son of man. Speak a prophetic message and say, “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, O breath, from the four winds! Breathe into these dead bodies so they may live again.”

Ezekiel 37:9 NLT


BUILT TO LAST Resurrection, Pt 5


RATTLED Resurrection, Pt 3