FALLING APART? (Remember who you are)

3 a.m. in the morning, it was confirmed.

I'm an idiot.

I awoke to be reminded of the dumb thing I said, the ball I had dropped, and another way I had let down my guard to let sin run over me. 


Turns out I'm worthless, helpless, faithless.

Time to throw in the towel, pull up the covers and hide, never to be seen again.

Hello? Are you under here, too? Tossing and turning in shame?

Let's stop for a moment. Do you hear God's voice?

"Come out from among those lies," He whispers, "Remember who you are."

You're NOT dirt.

But, you ARE dust, created in God’s image, infused with the Spirit of the Living God.

There's a difference.

God won't sweep you out the door, shake you free from Heaven's rug.

Instead, Jesus will gather you in His hands and shape you into a masterpiece.

Once, you were a million particles floating through time without hope or meaning in this world.

But now, your Creator has taken hold of you, breathed His Life into you, and set you on your feet.

Yes, you may topple and shatter back into countless specks of humanity. But His Spirit will search every nook and cranny until all is found.

Then, Jesus will put us back together.


"for He knows how we are formed, He remembers that we are dust."

(Psalm 103:14, NIV)


CHILD OF THE LIGHT (Remember who you are)


YOU ARE A WARRIOR (Remember who you are)