On the best of days, I have known Jesus to cook a mean pork chop - the love so generously scooped onto our plates, that it drips over the sides and puddles at our fingers.

In the worst of times, I have watched Him walk through a sea of mourners, lightly smoothing suit coat wrinkles and pressing strength into souls with a touch.

Although I have yet to see Jesus Christ, face to face, I have witnessed His Spirit residing in His people - moving toward the broken, kissing tear-stained cheeks and packing overnight bags stuffed full of hot rollers and warm cookies.

And here, in my little unassuming corner of life, I have found myself taken under the wing by one of God’s finest operatives, my mother-in-law, Barb.

This dear woman has faithfully served for 80 years on the mission field of her kitchen table, with a pot always brewing and an open invite to sit and stay awhile. For because she has known her own share of heartache, she is compelled to come alongside and help carry yours. I’ve never known anyone to feel lonely in her presence.

Through life’s seasons, I have taken her hand rushing down many a hospital hallway and sat nearby in the shouting silence of waiting rooms; yet have found that each time I seek to bring her comfort, it is me who comes away restored. 

I have learned much in her apprenticeship - little things, such as how to sip a cup of styrofoam coffee as if it were the finest champagne and much bigger lessons, like how to extend mercy to someone that tore your family apart. 

But the most profound lecture she ever gave me was at the gravesite of her youngest as she choose gratitude over bitterness, faith over fear. 

And in a world straining to always reach for just a little more, she teaches us all to embrace what is right in front of us and to remember that some of the greatest work God accomplishes through His children is neatly swept, lovingly stirred and faithfully poured.

“Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Colossians 1:27

Happy 80th Birthday to my other mother! I simply love and adore you.


