Each year growing up, I watched as the wishbone was pulled from the turkey and set on the windowsill to dry, our tiny family’s tradition.

But I was raised to know that wishes were not tossed to the November sky, but were actual prayers unspoken, drawn from the heart, and held up to my Heavenly Father.

At the tender age of 8, I sent such a wish from a quiet Thanksgiving table, asking Jesus to fill it to overflowing with more laughter and forkfuls of mashed potatoes than my cheeks could ever hold.

It was a request that surprised me, welling up from an empty place in my young heart - sent and soon forgotten.

For each of us, as beloved children, have yearnings planted deep within by our Creator God Who watches, works and waits in great delight to see our faces when those longings break through and stretch their arms toward the Son.

From our first gulp of His goodness to the final hallelujah from our lips, we carry a hope that calls our name and tugs us ever forward toward home.

One more step. One more day.

One more dirty dish to wash or little nose to wipe, we move through life in faith toward a higher calling that co-exists in the humble here and now.

And the calendar pages turn with the wind of God’s grace until the day He reaches out, presses His finger firmly on a moment, then under our chin, saying, “It’s time now. Look up.”

Decades after that forgotten wishbone prayer, I darted through my kitchen in a highly agitated state of holiday stress mixed with euphoria - laying plates, burning gravy and pouring coffee for the crowd gathered at our table. 

As my husband carved the turkey, someone called, “Don’t forget the wishbone!”

And right then, I stood still in wonder, remembering a lonely little girl who longed to be part of a bigger story.

Passing the potatoes, I sat down to a Thanksgiving feast that wishes are made of, prepared with love by the God Who knows my heart. 

“I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!”

Psalms 116:1 nlt


