HOW TO BE YOURSELF (Back to Sunday School Series)

I was feeling a tad sassy when the invite arrived.

"Come to your high school reunion," it said, "Fill out the enclosed and tell us who you are."

I wrote:

"Nikki (Bliss) White

Chief of Staff at the White House"

It was true in a way. 

I was a stay-at-home mom who lived in a house, whose last name happened to be “White”. 

Imagine my surprise when a former classmate sought me out to congratulate me on political achievements.

I had a choice. Confirm or deny?

I could let this person assume that I was someone I wasn't.

Or admit who I wasn't so I could embrace who I was.

I chose truth. “My life is one big peanut butter and jelly sandwich, messy but filling,” I confessed and went on to enjoy the rest of the night unashamed.

The same thing happened to John the Baptist. 

The Jews sent a delegation to ask John who he was because they had their own suspicions.

John the Baptist had no problem denying the allegations.

John 1:20 tells us that he freely confessed the truth, "I am NOT the Christ." 

Confessing who he was NOT, paved the way to admit who God had called him to be.

"…I am the voice of one calling in the desert, Make straight the way for the Lord."

(John 1:23)

John the Baptist's real job was to point people to Jesus, not himself.

Sometimes, you might find yourself in a similar spot.

You call yourself a Christian, so people expect you to be Christ.

But "Son of God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, Redeemer of Mankind” is a job that's been permanently filled by Jesus Christ Who fills everything in every way.” (Ephesians 1:23)

You are not the Christ; you are His proxy. 

You can wash someone's feet but can't cleanse their soul.

You can lead someone to Jesus but can't direct their steps.

But you CAN love Jesus with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength.

Then, go out on highways and byways, grocery store aisles, check-out lines, and be who God created you to be.

Serve and love others in your own unique (and possibly kooky) way, and the Holy Spirit will prepare their hearts to meet the REAL JESUS.

Let Jesus be Jesus.

You be you.

And go, prepare the way for the Lord.


WHEN TO TURN WINE INTO WATER (Back to Sunday School series)


HOW TO KEEP THE FAITH TILL THE END (Back to Sunday School Series)