HOW TO KEEP THE FAITH TILL THE END (Back to Sunday School Series)

It was a junior high dream come true to be picked to run the relay race for track. But as the day approached, so did the recurring nightmare that I'd drop the baton.

It's terrifying to believe everything depends on you.

Fear slowed me down.

Anxiety drove me to tie and retie my shoelaces, check and recheck my grip, and say the sinner's prayer over and over in case Jesus came while I was changing lanes. I was sure I'd fall, let go or be left behind.

Incorrect theology can break your stride, too.

I once thought my job was to carry the faith baton on the last leg of a 4-member tag team.

God the Father created me, Jesus the Son died for me, and the Holy Spirit showed up afterwards to ensure I kept up a holy pace. 

How I received the hand-off was crucial to our team's success, and so was staying ahead of the competition.

But humans weren't designed for that kind of pressure.

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have never fallen apart or dropped one single soul, including you.

Since the very beginning, the Trinity has worked as One for your one epic redemption.

God's Spirit hovered over dark, empty you. God the Father breathed Life into your useless limbs. Through Jesus, God's Only Son, the runner in you came to be.

"Through Him (Jesus) all things were made; without Him, nothing was made that has been made."

(John 1:3) 

God chose you to run this race, but not because He needs you.

Jesus won it long before your feet were at the starting line. 

Instead, God invited you to the track because He loves you and wants you on His team.

You don't have to worry about dropping the baton; God has you, His Spirit is in you, and Jesus holds you together.

"..all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."

(Colossians 1:16b-17)

Your job is to listen to His voice and put one foot in front of the other in love.

Run your race with confidence in your God, not yourself. 


No fear of the future. God goes before you.

No shame from the past. Only God's goodness and mercy follow.

So, leave it all on the track. 

Give Him everything you've got. 

You were born to keep the faith. Let’s run!

“I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free.”

(Psalm 119:32, NIV)


HOW TO BE YOURSELF (Back to Sunday School Series)


HOW TO BE SURE OF GOD’S LOVE (Back to Sunday School Series)